Sunday, October 28, 2012

Indian Summer

What's the antidote for weeks of dwindling daylight, pouring rain, chilling winds, minor illnesses affecting every body part and every "body" in the household???  We found our restoration during a long, summery October weekend in Rome!   Sunshine, gelato, hot breezes, gelato, stunning historic sites, and more gelato.  And there was the pizza, pasta & the cappuccino too.  A few highlights below...
View of Coliseum and Roman Forum from Victor Emmanuel II Monument

Do you think Rose found evidence of the first QR code?  These are mosaic tiled floors in the ruins of Ostia Antica, a once thriving Port town outside of Rome that has structures from several hundred years before Christ.  This stretch is the market where mosaics usually indicate what each shop sold.  Perhaps Rose found the Apple store...

Guess where we are in the picture below...  This is, I'm quite sure, not the usual photo at this particular site.  Hint: Rose really wanted to walk around a country in one day (actually it took only 45 minutes)...

Rose & Frans enjoying the sun on their backs near sunset at Ostia Lido.

In front of Constantine's Arch

Below - we enjoyed a little Roman style.  What seems big in Rome?
1) the "Man Purse"  ; and 2) stylish street signs

The Pantheon, the best preserved architecture from Ancient Rome, and simply cool with its large Occulus in the middle of it's amazingly constructed concrete dome, was a favorite of the family both inside and out.

Bring on the wind, rain, and the time change - we're ready now!

1 comment:

  1. "Guess where we are in the picture below... This is, I'm quite sure, not the usual photo at this particular site. Hint: Rose really wanted to walk around a country in one day (actually it took only 45 minutes)..."

    Ok I don't travel much?
