Thursday, January 3, 2013

Details II... Alpine style

After noticing so many elegant details in Delft, it was fun to see a completely different way of adorning the building in La Punt - Chamues-ch, where we stayed in Switzerland (Thanks Oom Kees!)  The buildings, made with concrete or stucco, would be rather grey against the landscape, except for the many colorful carvings as frescoes along the sides... They have a very different feel in this melting pot corner of Switzerland with German, Italian, and Reto-Romanic roots.
It starts out simply enough at the train station...
Rams are ubiquitous in this region (though we did not see any...)

This ram sculpture guards two lovely evergreens decorated with wooden stars...
Unlike rams, I don't think bears still inhabit this area, but perhaps they did at the time this bear was painted...
This building had many impressive creatures adorning it...

& of course, we didn't see any of these mythical creatures, but aren't they cool?

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